Are you missing the QE. no QE from Fed. no QE from ECB. Bank of England did £65 Billion in October. Don't worry:.

31 Dec 2022, 09:47
Are you missing the QE? 👉no QE from Fed 👀 👉no QE from ECB 👀 👉Bank of England did £65 Billion in October 👀 Don't worry: 👉Central Banks don't QE simultaneously 👉Bank of Japan continues "bond purchases" (a.k.a. QE) - $128 Billion this month - best ever per month #Bitcoin The Bank of Japan just set a new monthly record for bond purchases. They bought more than $128 Billion in Japanese government bonds this month. And today was the third day in a row of unscheduled purchases, including 2 year and 5 year bonds. Why it matters: